translated from Spanish: The challenges of the digital transformation and the privacy of the data of persons

Several studies anticipate the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the economic growth of the countries. For example, Accenture projected to 2035, the IA could add $ 63 billion to the Chilean economy. But so these projections occur are required certain requirements.
In general terms, we should be able to increase connectivity, train our workforce in the new skills and technologies, have modern laws that ensure that the data used to generate algorithms do not incorporate hidden biases; respect the privacy of individuals and the data be managed safely.
It is no coincidence that Chairman Donald Trump has signed a few days ago an executive order that instructs the United States Government to develop a plan to improve the use of AI in that country. This announcement comes almost two years after Beijing gave unveiled its ambitious plan to become the world leader in IA 2030 China.
United States and China have different approaches to ensure its leadership in the field of IA: U.S. has an advantage in innovation that makes the private sector, while the Eastern country invests strongly in the public sector in a centralized way. It is projected that China will invest USD 70 billion by 2020.
In Chile, recently has been entered by the President Sebastián Piñera a book of Digital transformation which establishes among others, that public services must eliminate procedures that are not necessary and digitize at least 80% of the procedures that are not yet digitized at the latest December 31, 2021, and a 100% before the 31 December 2023. This is going in the right direction and without scanning it’s very difficult to develop and take advantage of the benefits of the IA.
However, it is necessary to move more during this year 2019. It is required, among other reforms, a new modern personal data protection act and which provides for a supervisory authority. You need to update the computer crimes Act. Governments in the region are updating their regulations and establishing digital strategies that prioritize the use of the public cloud and strengthen the security of their critical infrastructure. The fourth industrial revolution is happening today, not we can let it go.

Poured in this op-ed content is the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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