translated from Spanish: The Mayor Durañona suggested a Supreme Court “militant”

speaking to a meeting of the Argentine manifesto, a space for political discussion formed by references from various areas of the opposition, the Mayor of the Buenos Aires locality of Sa n Antonio de Areco, Francisco Durañona, left a controversial proposal: spoke of the need to expand the number of members of the Supreme Court of Justice with “our militants”. What he said “we have to win to achieve a simple majority in the National Congress. And since December 11, the first day, send a bill that expands the number of members of the Court. “And the members of the Court must be our militants to legally defend the interests of national and popular field”.

Among those who heard it were the Mayor of San Martín, Gabriel Katopodis, Senator Fernando ‘pino’ Solanas, the former Lieutenant Governor, Gabriel Mariotto, and the Secretary general of Suteba, Roberto Baradel.Cómo after the disclosure of his sayings, Durañona explained it He said Wednesday that “when I speak of militants in court speak of men and women who have legal structure, having knowledge in law, but also have a political position”.  He said then that “every political space shall propose their candidates to Ministers and Ministers of the Court and then required the vote of two-thirds of the Senate, is tell that to copy it, you have to have a majority to do so.
“The goal is to have the Court men and women who are policy, that law and that defend the initiatives proposed by the Government with a political vision, not with a technical look or to defend interests of economic sectors.”

Francisco Durañona, Mayor of San Antonio de Areco in dialogue with Radio with you, Durañona considered that “the history of the Court is full of men who come from the policy, in fact, at this time, almost half of the Court are men that came from the politic” a”, insisted and an example was the case of Juan Carlos Maqueda, who was Senator of the PJ in the province of Cordoba.” I didn’t say that your vote depend on party membership”, he clarified then and said that”at this time justice is the institution most rejected by society in Argentina with levels exceeding 80 per cent”. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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