translated from Spanish: Denise Rosenthal: “seems to Me important to embrace and shelter to all the Chilean artists”

with a show ready for this weekend at Club Amanda, singer Denise Rosenthal is one of their best moments after a fresh string of hits coming from the release of their single “dreaming of a two” along with his partner, in mid-February, and with his recent rendition of the popular theme of the pigeon trapera Mami, “don’t fall in love”.
The artist, who already is preparing his third album, talked with hoyxhoy and told that you plan to travel to Los Angeles in United States to record it.
Recently, did you get the theme “dream a two”, which touched with your partner. Where did the idea for the song came from?

He was composing and producing for my album, “Change skin”, and Cami (Zicavo) had seen me very involved in that. He gave me a song, we were listening to her and I said ‘I want to be on the disk’, we recorded it, and even though it was not on the disk, all went well anyway, and the song was beautiful to release it this year. It was a very emotional and honest, which has always been mainly intended to all my music.
Do you think that you are going to work with him in the future in a new topic?

It is not something as planned. Being that the two are dedicated to music and composition – thing in which we are super involved-, I think that it is inevitable that not ourselves in a point of those roads. But it is not something that is structured, the truth.
Your version of the song Paloma Mami, “Don’t fall in love” was a hit. How was it created?

It was idea of the radio, I just received the invitation, and I found very nice initiative to pay tribute to women within the industry of contemporary music in the context of the women’s day. I thought it was nice to be able to pay homage to a new artist. When I brake, perhaps the issue was not so in vogue, then it seems to me important to embrace and shelter to all the Chilean artists. Leave aside the supposed rivalries that people may believe that they can exist, because the reality is that today there are many more spaces for women, and I think that there are to support us all.
That day was the massive March on March 8. How do you reflect against what occurred and saw?

I think that it must be constantly thinking and taking consciousness to things you can do every day to build and generate a space and a more equitable world. I think the eight was a historic day. I think that day will thus have to recur constantly in pursuit of that intention to restructure us, seek support, containment, and a more equitable and egalitarian world. Independent of whether or not a day, the important thing is that those spaces for dialogue and reflection generated. I also try to contribute and contribute from my place, which is the music.

Original source in Spanish


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