translated from Spanish: Elections in San Juan: what is being voted upon and how it impacts on the presidential?

since the polls arises that there are only two candidates with chances to reach the Governor’s office, Sergio Uñac, the current President and the candidate of change (although arose from space with you) in San Juan, Marcelo Orrego.Si there are eight ready, remaining options aim to overcome the floor necessary to participate in the general elections in June. On the other hand, none of the political forces competing for Governor presents internal competition. I.e. already have defined their candidate so call today is a sort of first measurement.

The general election will be on June 2 and let us remember that the province has 188 charges to choose: Governor and Lieutenant Governor; 17 deputies proportional; 19 departmental deputies; 19 mayors and Councillors 131 which are divided into 19 departments. According to reports from the Electoral Tribunal, in today to vote all the young people who have fulfilled or met 16 years until the time of the election General.El final scrutiny will be on April 3 more if well planned for day 2 the Court Election raised “commemorating the veteran and the Islas Falklands Guerra Memorial Day on that date, it is meet that schedule, as a tribute to our heroes”.
To continue generating questions for the ruling party, according to results given, starts or not to generate an atmosphere of defeat in the electoral history of the provinces. This is so because before the presidential primaries fourteen provinces will have voted at least once and generate a trend about what might happen when choosing a President. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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