translated from Spanish: Former Energy Minister rejected sayings of Pacheco on smart meters: “In no way was a golazo”

Continue the impact by the statements of the former Minister of energy, Max Pacheco, who he described as a “goal” the law which permitted the collection of change of gauges.
In this regard, his predecessor in the portfolio, Andrés Rebolledo, said in an interview with T13 that “in no way was a golazo, I really is that many people we were very surprised by these statements, this is a policy that was held in the previous Government” effectively during a very long period, these are, the truth often technical elements that require a dialogue, they require a very precise technical work and, therefore, this was done for at least two years or three years”.
“The truth is that the first discussions about having a new technical standard that sets a new standard in terms of quality of supply, that technical standard contains several elements each of which is the smart meter and this began in their discussions, in” both need to make this leap in the electrical network, there by 2015 “, added.
The former Secretary of State stressed that “this was a long process that has several stages, launched a pilot by a company, discussed back then, there at the beginning of the 2016 even which was going to be the way in which this was going to finance” “, and eventually even out there finally sat the bases of what turned out to be, and as this has operationalized”.
Rebolledo rejected the sayings of Pacheco, ensuring that “it is not that the State identify an investment and called the companies and say look I’m going to rent, what’s here is a more global look that has to do with the conception of the project” from the point of view of those who kept public policy at that time, that I had to move towards the 21st century in distribution networks, was a long policy, which transcended my management.”
In addition, former Minister championed the companies to buy the meters and were masters of them, indicating that, if had been users who acquire them, the cost would have been higher. 
He also claimed that the reason why the funding is by way of rates rising, is since the change of the devices is a requirement of the State.
Finally, Rebolledo said that he spoke with Max Pacheco, talk which he described as “cordial, but honest and Frank”. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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