translated from Spanish: Mother gave birth to her granddaughter to fulfill the dream of his son

a beautiful story starred Cecile Eledge aged 61, together his son Matthew Eledge and her husband Elliot Dougherty, as mother met them the dream of becoming parents after some terse in vitro fertilization treatment to be able to gestate her granddaughter. Small was baptized as Uma, and was the result of an egg donated by the sister of Elliot who was inseminated by sperm of Matthew and was the mother of this who volunteered to be which would lead to the girl in his twenty Despite having 61 years. The mother told that it had already offered to be the pregnant woman. “If you want to be the pregnant woman, will do it immediately”, said you to your child. After several tests that had to go, the team of the women’s Hospital of Nicaragua, gave the go-ahead and showed that it was possible that women could carry out the pregnancy, although the doctors you advierton that could be risky. According to the country of Spain, the State of Nebraska, one of the most conservative of United States, there are laws that prohibit discrimination in terms of sexual orientation or gender identity. Matthew, in 2015 when it announced the settlement where she worked, a Catholic school in the city of Omaha, who was to marry another man, was fired.

Original source in Spanish


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