translated from Spanish: Starts the operation income 2019: know all the changes in this new version

This Monday, April 1 part the operation income 2019, which will have a series of changes because, from this edit, because all fees workers must pay social security contributions charged to withholdings and PPM of These workers.
Therefore, that this year on the website of the service of internal taxes (SII) worried of clearly detailing all the changes, so that they can properly perform the income statement. Thus instructed the director of the SII, Fernando Barraza, who called to take the time to review the Declaration in detail before you accept it and send it.
The main change introduced due to the implementation of the law on Social protection for workers fees, making it more 570 thousand workers are required to pay their contributions pension expense to your tax return, if not the they have paid directly.
This will allow them to have access to insurance, invalidity and survival, the coverage against accidents at work and occupational diseases, right to look after the children in the framework of the law Sanna, health benefits, medical and associated subsidies, license right to family allowances, and right to pensions.
However, since this year the percentages are gradual. Thus, this year workers fees shall be eligible for total coverage, between July of 2019 and 2020 June, so your quote is calculated on 100% of your taxable income, or partial coverage, so this calculation will be about 5% , with less health coverage.
If you choose total coverage, they will not receive the tax refund they received every year, but they will have more coverage on health. On the other hand, if workers choose a partial coverage, only will be deducted them 5% for item health care and pensions. The rest will be returned every year.
Dates for the return of this money are the following: taxpayers who made his Declaration until April 23 and choose bank deposit, eligible on May 13, i.e., 17 days earlier, his present operation income tax return 2019 for later dates, it will be after May 30.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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