translated from Spanish: Controversy over a manual for guys they talk about Macri and Cristina

a book publisher Santillana aroused a great controversy in social networks once the pages speaking Governments of Cristina Kirchner and Mauritius are viralizar Macri, of a conviction in a case and condescending in the other way. On the page dedicated to the two Governments of Cristina Kirchner, considers that “trasncurrieron under a climate of political polarization between those who supported it and the sectors that opposed” and stands out among the latter to the rural sectors, media and “much of the” citizenship accusing it of authoritarianism and abuse of power”. The re-election of the former President was due, according to the book of social sciences for boys and girls of seventh grade, to the “unexpected” death of Néstor Kirchner, which “resulted in a spontaneous support of citizenship”. In addition, the epilogue of the CFK Government “was marked by conflicts of external debt and serious allegations of corruption”. On the other hand, referring to the Government of Macri, stresses that “it took in the midst of an inflationary situation and economic problems”. He also appreciated the Elimination of withholding “addressing the demand for export sectors and mining companies”. On the same sheet, explain to the boys and girls are almost finished elementary school that “it devalued the currency and lifted exchange controls” which resulted in that “many economists acknowledge that the result of these measures was positive” while “others They highlighted the negative effects”. Finally, he said measures of Macri as “expand the universal for children to other sectors and the enactment of the law of historical reparation of retirees”.

Original source in Spanish


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