translated from Spanish: Greenpeace protest before Senate with wave of plastic

city of Mexico.-Greenpeace Mexico set up a wave of plastic more than two metres in height against the Senate, legislative halls where discussed new legislation to regulate the pl asticos for single use only.” One minute without legislating, a ton of plastic in the sea”, is the message which is read by the giant wave. According to activists involved in this action, is to call the Senators of the Committee on environment, natural resources and climate change in the Senate, led by Senator Eduardo Murat, so legislate for the common good and not in favour industry that aims to solve the problem recycling and carrying the responsibility for the final consumer. 

“Photo reform after several workshops organized by the Senate of the Republic, senators discussed the subject of extended responsibility, point to Greenpeace activists considered fundamental to solve the problem of plastic contamination.” The senators have a unique opportunity to legislate on behalf of the citizens and not in favor of large corporate interests that move in politics. It must come first not the interest of the few seeking to maximize their profits at the expense of the environment and the common good”, said Miguel Rivas, Coordinator of Greenpeace Mexico oceans campaign.” Those who produce and distribute packaging and plastic containers must be responsible for them and must assume that this problem is not solved to recycling more and better, but doing that products have a longer shelf life and reducing that plastic that is unnecessary Since its inception”. According to the activist, law resulting from these works should put the responsibility in the right actors, where producers or distributors offer solutions based on the reduction at source to prevent further production and use of plastic and that this do not go to the oceans. In addition, it should establish the obligation of the producer or importer to inform the consumer on the impacts in the environment that have plastic items that sold you.” We hope that it is put a brake to pollution through modifications to the General Law prevention and Integral management of wastes (LPGIR) to ban single-use plastics that are unnecessary and responsible companies that produce these “articles and not to citizens”, said Rivas.La environmental organization also made a call to citizenship to enter the wall of the Senate on Facebook as well as Twitter of the members of the Commission accounts: @eduardomurat @BcsRicardo @jc_ ramirezmarin @XochitlGalvez and @ManceraMiguelMX to ask them to legislate in favour of the reduction in the production of plastics.

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Original source in Spanish

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