translated from Spanish: The Apocalypse of the bees at the hands of a bee… exotic

Sir: in 1997 the Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) authorizes the entry of Bomb us terrestris, exotic and invasive Bumblebee to Chile for the cultivation of tomato under greenhouse and outdoors. The above makes it to the eaves of a FIA project that showed that this species was effective only in fall tomatoes grown in greenhouse, even showed that this Bumblebee decreased production by 20% in tomatoes that were not fall on the traditional method . Until 2005 the volume of import of this Bumblebee was low, but from 2006, the imported volume was increased up to the year 2015 more of 200,000 thousand colonies of between 50 and 200 individuals each, and its import continues to increase every year.
He was warned the year 1997-1998 from the scientific community to the SAG which could mean the entry of an invasive species, but the warning was dismissed. As a direct consequence, the exotic Bumblebee for more than 20 years has generated negative effects on biodiversity, ecosystems and agricultural production (except autumn produced in greenhouses and perhaps in cherry tomato). For example, been reduced to 85% the abundance of one of our native Bumblebee, called Bumblebee (Bombus dahlbomii), the largest in the world. Affects the productivity of the raspberries and it is believed that also of beans and beans, and nuts; and the worst is that it brings with it, exotic parasites that are declared as non-existent at the borders of our country, because of the inability of the SAG to a genetic screening to detect these parasites.
We have beaten doors… Yes, many times. We have requested meetings. We have apparently been heard and as a result of that, SAG said finally 2017 have made an analysis of risk after 20 years of entering this species (must be run in 1997). However, when we have requested this analysis personally or through the PDI (covered in the legislation that protects the country’s animal health), the SAG is silent. By the end of 2016, this State entity made a query public about sanitary barriers to continue entering the species, which, without prior notice and before the deadline so that citizens make their disclaimers, was withdrawn. We have asked them many times information and answers, but concrete answers fail to what trying to hide us?
Three years ago, together to the Dr. Cecilia Smith of the University Lakes, have been studying to our second native Bumblebee, Bombus funebris, the “chololo” or “Bumblebee panda or Altiplano” as they tend to call it, unfortunately we have found that this It has also come into contact with the invasive Bumblebee. In a recent and successful talk at Arica, under the aegis of the University of Tarapacá, various social and business actors showed their concern. Some tomato producers ensure that their production has dropped since they use the invasive Bumblebee, due to the sobre-visita of this, phenomenon as reported in Europe almost 50 years ago. Foothills beans producers mentioned us that the caliber of pods has dropped. The invasive Bumblebee steal the nectar of the flower of bean boring flower at the base, not providing the service of pollination (a phenomenon also reported in beans in Europe over 50 years ago). What’s going on? Do because Chilean agronomists don’t read literature before releasing a species plague the country, disguising of species mentolatum Savior of crops? Farmers, advised by agronomists placed so many bumblebees that fourth visit in a flower, this may break is affecting the quality of the fruit, or is simply not necessary, as is the case with bumblebees used in Cranberry in La Araucanía, or tomato in the air free.
If exotic bumblebees cross the border with Peru or Bolivia, we will be committing other indigenous subsistence agriculture. In fact, a Ranger of Bolivia in the Sajama Park which borders Chile says have already seen the invasive species. In the South of Chile, we already affect the mapuche worldview and culture by reducing the abundance of the Bumblebee product from contact with the exotic species.
Be much ask Mr. director, that the State of Chile makes his work? It will be that the authorities do not read English – language science – or may not use the google translate?… It is likely. However, in 2018 in the national magazine “Gayana”, all experts in pollination of the country carried an article in Spanish, summarizing the history and showing the negative effects of this species, which was until that time (in parallel, more effects) negatives are still emerging). In addition, the authors of this article offer the State action should take, guiding hand to the State to make something. But apparently, the State doesn’t want to give personally.
Do you have to extinguish the Bumblebee to make something? will you need to cross borders and affect the Aymara peoples in its production so that the Bolivian President legally confront Chile for his responsibility in these events? what awaits Chile happening? If the answer of the authority will be the production of fruits and vegetables depends on of is kind, because we believe that the State has not been reported. After all, before the arrival of terrestris, I remember that child eat tomatoes year-round, because never did lack terrestris for their production. The reason that this pest is in Chile is to reduce costs of business of producing winter tomato.
Rodrigo M. Barahona-Segovia
Dr. c in science veterinary and Silvoagropecuarian
University of Chile Cecilia Smith-ramirez Dr
. in ecology and evolutionary biology
University of Los Lagos

Original source in Spanish


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