translated from Spanish: The seven defendants for violation in Córdoba were arrested

by determination of the Prosecutor’s Office of Dean Funes, seven men over 40 years old were arrested for “sexual abuse with carnal access”. The episode took place in February this year in the village of Sebastián El Cano, Cordoba.el case was unveiled by the journalist Franco Samuel Frias on Facebook where told what told her 25-year-old: he had met with some friends to drink alcohol and was saw olado for seven of them. The crime was filmed and released by social networks later. After sexually attack him, they took him to the House and said that he had had an accident with his bicycle. The Attorney for the victim, Carlos Nayi, considered essential this story so the Prosecutor Fabiana Pochettino ordered the arrests. “The Prosecutor had determined that danger of leakage there was no, but now understood that these people are a danger to anyone,” said Nayi. In relation to the accused, counsel stated that “knew of the condition of disabled person of the victim” and that they were “people in a village of 3500 inhabitants”. In addition, he explained that he was forced to get drunk, raped him and broadcast those images, generating a trauma by that and by the attack itself.

Original source in Spanish


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