translated from Spanish: UNAM opens second call to enter a Bachelor’s degree

La Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) published its second call of the year to enter, through competitive selection, to their degrees in the education system, open and distance.
The online registration period is from 2 to 7 April 2019.
To enter, it is necessary to have Bachelor’s degree with a minimum grade point average of 7 and get the minimum score requested the selected race on the entrance examination.
Applicants must enter the call website: should pay for the right to review of selection from 2 to 8 April and go, be the case, to the shooting, sign scanned and fingerprint.
Subsequently, the interested parties must submit to the consideration of selection in the place, date and time designated on the ballot – credential. The tests shall apply from 25 to June 10.
The results will be published July 12, 2019.
The open method has 588 sites available and distance mode offers 542 places.
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Original source in Spanish


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