translated from Spanish: Antofagasta live weekend of knowledge and scientific thinking with port of Ideas

One of the major musts in this year is the French physicist Alain Aspect, who has been a candidate for the Nobel Prize in physics. Apect be held the Conference “The ghastly error of Einstein”, where will explain how two particles are linked by a very powerful quantum relationship regardless of the distance between them. In other words, it will show us why Eisntein was wrong.
For those interested and curious of Artificial Intelligence and its progress, they cannot go to the Conference “machines learning alone. The future of the A.I.”of the renowned us computer scientist and Professor at Harvard, Leslie Valiant. We understand how the progress of Artificial Intelligence is due in large part to machine learning, and what this implies about the prospects for the computer science in the future, its possibilities and risks.
Astronomy astronomy will be an important issue in the event with talks as “Of Chile to the universe, future observatories”, where you learn about the four new observatories that are being built in Chile and that will dazzle the world with their discoveries on the Universe. Through its characters, national and international scientists in charge of each of the projects, we will know: the set of telescopes of Cherenkov (CTA); the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT); the telescope extremely large (ELT); and the great telescope for synoptic crawls (LSST).
Find a planet that can support life as we know it, is a yearning that round the imagination of any child, adult, philosopher or scientist. This is what deals with the Conference “Looking for life beyond Earth” that take place Nathalie Cabrol, planetary scientist and astrobiologist American. Cabrol will give us the advances that allow us to develop new discoveries that increase the possibilities of existence of other civilizations technologically advanced in the universe and life beyond the Solar System.
Problems of water another pin of the port of Ideas Festival of science, and science is the Mexican biologist Antonio Lazcano, who is engaged in research on the origin and early evolution of life, and will discuss the fundamental role that had the micro-organism in the current biological diversity and which were the absentees in the origin of species, the classic book published by Charles Darwin in 1859.
A compulsory subject for its global contingency is water, so “Water and sustainability, a possible challenge” is without a doubt a milestone this weekend. To discuss this topic will be the environmentalist activist, who was Minister of Ecuadorian environmental and global President for two terms from WWF (World Wide Fund for nature), Yolanda Kakabadse, who has been working for more than 4 decades by the conservation and sustainability; and Spanish lawyer, Francisco Lombardo, founder of the Forum of the water economy and co-author of the White Book of the water economy. A conversation about the challenges we face in a relevant subject this; the greatest dangers and problems present in the area of health, the food and energy, and how be responsible for your use from our own spaces, and participate in an effective solution.
Theatre and cinema in port of Ideas this year the port of Ideas Science Festival will present two big premieres: the “Greta” play, starring Coca Guazzini, Kathy Salosny, Carmina irrigation and Daniela Lhorente, story that revolves around the relationship of a mother three daughters and a whale stranded on the beach. and “Teacher Humberto Maturana” documentary, about the Chilean scientist most known and recognized at national and international level, that 90-year-old continues more than ever.
For those who want to make a family activity while they are amazed with the depths of the sea, we recommend animation, music, and storytelling with a trip to the blue heart of the Earth. An urban spectacle that will lead them to travel to the depths of the sea in an expedition full of lights and colors. Accompany to sharks, sea turtles, jellyfish and whales, among other species, and discover how they live and what dangers they are exposed.
These are just some of the recommendations for this Festival of science port of Ideas Antofagasta, but they are more than 60 mandatory activities that you can enjoy this 12, 13 and 14 April.
You can check out the entire program on the website or in app port of Ideas. You can purchase tickets at, with a value of $2,000, or at the kiosk located in the Plaza Colon from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00 hours.
Tickets for the cycle of scientific documentaries are on sale at the ticket office of Hoyts cinema, located in the Mall Plaza Antofagasta, and  Connect to social networks from port of Ideas on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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