translated from Spanish: By confusion in their application, proposed to reform the law of impeachment

home Michoacán by confusion in your application, proposed to reform the law of judgment politician Morelia, Michoacan.-Ante misinformation when it is aplicab her political judgment for civil servants, the local member of the institutional Revolutionary Party, presented an initiative to reform articles to law of impeachment, which aims to give you clear reports that if are from and their times.
In an interview, the PRI legislator said that in the last legislature granted to deputies, 20 days from filed the complaint, insufficient time to thoroughly analyze the record.
He added that on many occasions due to ignorance of what is a political judgment, is allegations, occur when some cases must be solved by others and not by the Local Congress.
To this he added that even public officials political revanchism or partisan differences are denounced, but only those serious mistakes that have to do with a political order are those that come.
This initiative will also review two others filed with the judicial Commission, and seeks to reform the State anti-corruption law of 2017.
“Once deemed the entire law, must be given to inform society citizens and own staff when whether a political trial and when not,” said Adriana Hernández.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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