translated from Spanish: Lopez Obrador began April with a 78% approval insulated the

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador began April with a 78% approval of Mexicans, compared to 19% of opinions against, according to a survey by El Financiero.
Compared to March, the approval of the President dropped only one percentage point.
Reads: 100 days of management, 78% of Mexicans approves of AMLO work, according to survey of reform however, the request to the Government of Spain to offer an apology for wrongs that have occurred against the indigenous population during the conquest had a 59% disapproval. Only 27% saw positive request.
Another of the most unpopular actions was withdraw supports to childcare, action that 58% saw as negative, compared to 28% who supports it.
Measures more applauded by Mexicans are to reduce public funding to parties (87%) and reduce the wages of civil servants (83%), followed by the creation of the National Guard (74%);  the construction of the refinery of Dos Bocas, Tabasco (69%) and the opening of the ballpark in the city of Mexico (64%).
Lee: AMLO begins his six-year term with more than 60% of approval; Penalty will be 24%, the lowest in 2 decades the survey uses baseball – the favorite sport of the President – to designate some of its achievements and failures. 54% considered that López Obrador hit a home run because the weight is strengthening against the dollar; 50% is in favor to ask bankers to reduce commissions to users.
Although rendering it “stamped” to ask Spain for an apology by the booing he received at the opening of the ballpark.
The financial information.
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Original source in Spanish


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