translated from Spanish: Chilean 95 years grandma is famous for being a fan of Game of Thrones

A few days after the premiere of the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones many stories and notes appear on the theme, but few like the protagon Iza Eleonora Quiroz, a grandmother of no less than 95 years, who is a fan of the series. The adorable nonagenarian suffers from a mild hearing loss, but that is no impediment for faithfully follow the plot of the recognized story, which sees near their grandchildren since 2014.Acorde one of them, Fabián Araneda, its “gueli” loves the fantastic genres and poli ciales, as the work of Agatha Christie, the saga of Harry Potter or the trilogy of the Lord of the Anillos.Eleonora Quiroz was born on March 9, 1924, and it has been already two centuries. She spent her childhood and youth surrounded by books in the Centre of Santiago, but lived a complex situation when relatives – historical militants of the Communist Party–were persecuted in the years of the damn law (1948). Six years later, in 1954, she married Jorge Núñez, Carpenter and miner who settled in the capital, and they went together to live in San Miguel, where they had seven children. Eleonora also worked, and as his great love for books could do to wait, as a librarian at the State Technical University (UTE, current Usach). She was widowed in 1972, but after the coup d’Etat was arrested political and transferred to the Chile Stadium. But after being released he returned to work in library and began to develop his favorite pastime, see series. The start of this hobby came with House on the Prairie, in the ‘ 70s, and later with the reporter of crime, which advanced to this day, with his taste for Game of Thrones. “We take the size and tells me ‘ pucha, hopefully not die before the end to not stay with the doubt ‘”, told his grandson.

Original source in Spanish


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