translated from Spanish: D’Onofrio mouth greeting: “Meet 114 years and 114 days of the final”

this April 3, Boca Juniors celebrates 114 years of life, in the midst of a hard defeat Copa Libertadores and with the aim of turning face for the season you will have to go the rest of the continental tournament, the Super League Cup and a new start of the season, where you have to be the protagonist. On the other hand, River continues with all the high spirits, despite the injury of Juanfer and achieved the goal of getting into the Copa Libertadores of the 2020. In the Middle, has its first in Brazil of this new edition and is hours of going to court to face Inter de Porto Alegre, but still the end of Madrid still hanging around.
In medium le, President Rodolfo D’Onofrio came out to give an impromptu press conference and he dedicated a mensjae mouth for his birthday, with a Chicane that surprised everyone. “Look how bad luck, isn’t it?” They are 114 years that meets mouth, and 114 days on December 9,”shot the President.” Every day something happens, but you have to have a huge respect for the adversary, I have it completely, but the jokes… know the jokes that I ate the other way around? But I no them pulled out, just the live like any live them,”added after the joke that said that it came by a meme that was sent to you. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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