translated from Spanish: VIDEO. So was the explosion of the truck bomb in Acapulco, Guerrero

Acapulco, Guerrero-the explosion of a car bomb caused damage to several vehicles as well as the facilities of the community police of the Union of peoples and organizations of the State of Goku or (UPOEG). The video shows the vehicle calcined then that artifact type home exploded inside, in the town of Xaltianguis, rural area of Acapulco.La explosion took place yesterday afternoon Wednesday at the colonia Vicente Guerrero, Acapulco.Ante the facts, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Guerrero issued a statement and reported to the detonation no people injured or killed; According to the work of field carried out by experts, the incident was derived from explosion of a tank of gas LP, which would have been manipulated for this purpose.

Some of the vehicles that were damaged by the explosion. Photo: reform.

Urvan van and three cars that were parked a few metres from the premises of AUC also were damaged, according to reports. State Government, Roberto Álvarez Heredia, security spokesman said it is still not set if damage to the vehicles was the result of an explosion.
In the town of Xaltianguis deployed elements of the Secretariat of national defense, Federal Police, State police and ministerial agents, with the purpose of starting the search for those responsible for this fact. In addition to other security operation to shelter the inhabitants of Xaltianguis.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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