translated from Spanish: Eva Gómez lashed out at María Luisa Godoy after uncovering rumor: “No I removed the morning nobody”

Eva Gómez answered María Luisa Godoy, after he said some facts about his departure from the morning of Chilevisión in 2011.Godoy e xpreso “I not heard the heads (of his greetings from the program). I on the other hand learned that they wanted to get out because the Eva (Gomez) what I wanted to do, and is well. She was Cheerleader of vineyard and they were all entitled to enhance the cheerleader and doing so, but form seemed painful to me.” The words not well fell you to the Spanish, Eva Gómez, who answered yet. In a conversation with Mon, he clarified that “when they told me that I had to do the morning was a topic. I didn’t want to. After Animating the Festival I had another project and I had to put on something. Why, then, a year when they offered me what callamos las mujeres, I took it”.” Not I removed the morning anyone, it is not my style. I don’t know which is the style of María Louise to do their things, mine is clear, indeed honest and forehead; I won’t with messages to anyone. If she believes that I could have done that, I don’t know how is handled in their labour relations”, he added Gomez.finalmente, former Cheerleader of the”Diario de Eva”said”that is mother, and knows how things from television work find it strange that an adult woman, “, I charge me with name and surname, with a rumor”, concluded. 

Original source in Spanish


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