translated from Spanish: David Bisbal was Pope for the second time: the first images with his son

is a moment of happiness for David Bisbal: his second son, Matteo, from his relationship with actress and model Venezuelan Rosanna Zanetti was born on Saturday, April 6. It’s her second child but the first who has with her current partner. The first was she Bisbal Tablada, of about 9 years and daughter of Elena Tablada.

The news gave you know through your account Instagram, where shared a photo depicting her hands, those of your spouse and of the newborn. He accompanied the image with a short text: “Matteo and Rosanna are very well! It has been a super nice experience that we share with you while we are full of happiness. Thank you all for the good wishes. We would like to. “Bienvenido Matteo Bisbal Zanetti”.
“The publication also includes a video filmed in format selfie in which the singer confirms that both Rosanna and Matteo are well:” here’s to our bebesote which is spectacular “, heard you say.” An amazing experience”, added Meanwhile new mother, to then ensure that the child”is just like”the Pope.” I want, thank you for being always there wishing us the best. We are very happy, thank you all for being outstanding”closed Bisbal.

Original source in Spanish


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