translated from Spanish: Even without defining the transition of the diligence of the PRD Michoacán Michoacán

home even without defining the transition of the diligence of the PRD Michoacan Morelia, Michoacán-the current leader of the party of the democratic revolution in M ichoacan, Antonio Soto Sanchez reported that still not defined change of leadership of that political Institute, since the transition process due to the new statutes in the extraordinary national leadership is still on the table.
He explained that last August, he was elected as state leader of the Party on the basis of previous statutes and that the new statutes were raised in November and published in December, which does not speak of an Executive Committee, so the relay is located in a consultation process with the national leadership.
Therefore an internal call has not been published, nor have been a reorganization of the Council, which is worth mentioning that it was composed of several members of the alternative national democratic tide that ultimately left the ranks of the PRD.
“We don’t want that party we contaminated with people who no longer has membership.”
For this reason he mentioned that for the transition of the leadership will be taken into account leaders and municipal leaders.
“I stay here the time determining my organs of direction, I subject the State Council or the determination of the extraordinary national leadership”.
Soto Sanchez said that a new register of PRD militants that for the moment there is no DNA exit will also be built.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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