translated from Spanish: Trump canceled the agreement of Cuba with MLB

La Habana.-this Monday, the Cuban Baseball Federation denounced the cancellation of Donald Trump to the agreement with the MLB (Major League Baseball, major league baseball), by “unsustainable grounds political purposes”. “This decision of the Government of the United States responds to its permanent purpose of profit against the nobility of the agreement, political interests, without caring about the welfare and tranquility of the Cuban family,” said the official note of the FCB.   The newspaper The Washington Post and other U.S. media disclosed during this day the determination to cancel the Treaty, signed last December 19, after almost three years of negotiations and valued as historical by many voices in both countries.   The governing entity of Cuban Baseball pointed out that the pressures exerted by the Republican Senator Marco Rubio and the Adviser for national security, John Bolton, “were imposed for the moment” against a pact that would open the door to a “safe and orderly” insertion of the Cuban baseball players in the Grand Chapiteau.   He stressed that the agreement, mostly backed by American and Cuban companies, and identified as a formula to eliminate “harmful practices such as human trafficking and its incalculable consequences”, is called to overcome the archaic rhetoric used by his detractors.   According to the FCB, rescind the agreement is unknown the vivid scenes of pain by those who were victims of traffickers and took risks stimulated by those who now would have been regardless of any negotiations with MLB.   The Cuban Federation stressed that, once again, history shows who are the real culprits that athletes from the island can not play in the major leagues without renouncing their citizenship and take risks to their lives.   However, ratified its commitment to the agreement, which is considered as “essential” instrument to preserve the integrity of their athletes before the “humiliating and discriminatory” treatment that have been victims.   According to Bolton, Cuba wants to use baseball players as “economic pawns”, thus the Convention allows major league pay a release fee to the FCB.
The national pastime of the United States must not allow the (financial) support of the Cuban regime (President Nicolas) mature in Venezuela the official Cuban daily “Granma” said that it is “another example of the tight blockade increased, leans her hand to the cla provision which prohibits the trading with the enemy”.   MLB, meanwhile, issued a statement Monday to ratify that agreement with the Cuban Federation aims to put an end to the traffic of baseball players from the island.   As part of the agreement, the FCB issued on 25 March a list of 34 considered available amateur players to be hired by the 30 major league franchises.   The Washington decision is another step in retreat of the progress made in relations between the two countries during the Presidency of Barack Obama. 

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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