translated from Spanish: Díaz Ordaz ordered killing in 68: AMLO

Mexico.-front to the High Commissioner of the United Nations for human rights, the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accused Gustavo Díaz Ordaz of having ordered the massacre in Tlatelolco in 1968.Al sign an ac uerdo with the UN-DH, headed by Michelle Bachelet, to train elements of the National Guard, the President defended the work of the military.” “” When the Mexican army has not acted properly, when it has deviated, has been on the instructions of the civil authority, painful, and outstanding way during the crackdown of 1968 to the students “, said Lopez Obrador.” “But at that time, and is something that we must review, the President gave the order and executed it the Estado Mayor Presidencial, an elite body linked to the Presidency, which by the way no longer exists”.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Photo: Reform in 1968, the President was Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, and his Secretary of the Interior, Luis Echeverría.

The federal President added that another regrettable fact that the armed forces have acted under orders from civilians is their participation in the so-called war against drug trafficking.” “Another sad fact was the of the order to the army to meet violence with violence makes two six, that led us to this crisis of insecurity, of disappeared persons, of human rights violations”, said, referring to the strategy that I implement Felipe Calderón.

“With the Secretaries of national defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, and Navy, José Ojeda Durán, in the front row at the event, Lopez Obrador reiterated that as supreme command never will give the order to suppress armed forces.” We are going to carry out this change ensure security without violating human rights, that is the goal,”he said.

This note includes information from: Cesar Martinez in this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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