translated from Spanish: They deliver books to students with links to sex sites in Peru

Peru: the Minister of education of Peru, Flor Pablo, announced Monday the withdrawal of a text book for the third year of secondary education which contained a link to a web page with co ntent sexual, and noted that it will be identified and punished those responsible for this fact. Presented before the Committee on education of the Congress to report on national educational policy and strategic plans that will drive during his administration, Paul rejected that it has included a link to the Cuban electronic encyclopedia definition that is refers to anal intercourse. 
“Gender of the national curriculum has nothing to do with that link that has appeared in a book’s third high school. That I want to leave it for granted. One thing is education rights, comprehensive, and one which has certain contents which harm,”he said. The Minister stressed, in this regard, which has ordered the removal of “Personal development, citizenship and civics” textbook, much of the institutional web and portal Perueduca.pablo considered that this issue “is not simple mistakes”, although it received criticism from legislators, mostly fujimoristas, opposed to the gender perspective in national education, which called as “gender ideology”. 

Minister Flor Pablo: “the gender approach is not what has been published in the book of 3. ° high school.” That I want to leave it for granted. One thing is a comprehensive education in rights, citizen and other are certain content that have appeared and that hurt”. -Mineduperu (@MineduPeru) April 8, 2019 in this regard, the lawmaker Tamar Arimborgo said that a simple apology will not solve the million dollar loss caused by the removal of the books, while the also Congressman Juan Carlos Gonzales He said that it is an ideological issue that “not (is) now, is yesterday”. The parliamentary July Rozas, who represents the Protestant churches, demanded that Minister endorsed a resolution that ordered the removal of gender in school textbooks and add one for human rights. The controversy arose after that on Wednesday the Supreme Court of Peru declared “unfounded in all respects” a lawsuit filed by a group of parents of conservative trend against the application of the gender approach in the education curriculum Basic. This topic generated clashes and demands during the last years in Peru and in November 2018 brought together thousands of people, called by the collective “Con mis hijos no te metas” to protest against its implementation in the Peruvian education. 
While the aim of the approach is to teach tolerance and equality between men and women, as well as the different sexual orientations, organizations and conservative politicians argue that the State seeks to influence through school with the “ideology of” genus”, which considered that it encourages homosexuality and goes against”the family and traditional values”. The Ministry of education has pointed out that the objective is to seek equality of opportunities for study, work and treatment for men and women, eliminating stereotypes, promote respect and equitable relationships and avoid bullying situations. The Government also recalled that “homosexuality is not learned”, but if you learn homophobia, stereotypes, racism and hatred, what we want to banish from public education. Paul Minister reiterated Monday in Congress that textbooks will be revised, and that the corrections will be done to avoid that schoolchildren receive inappropriate content. He added that his sector encourages learning useful for life, the confidence of teachers, educational institutions strengthened, friendly and safe, an infrastructure that ensures conditions for learning, educational management modern, transparent centralized, and an articulated and quality higher education. Those goals, he added, will be developed based on social dialogue, the territorial approach, the articulation of services and the co-responsibility of different levels of Government, civil society and families.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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