translated from Spanish: 25 COP: Do not ignore the geothermal energy

there is a great difference between stopping a change and stop an AED stre. The first can afford long solution times, the second one requires bold action. During the last session of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (COP), the most powerful statement and media we warned of the urgency: “you only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess, even when sensible all you can do is to put the emergency brake”, the speech came from a teenage activist, Greta Thumberg Swedish, and your photos and words are the memories that remain most today, not only because of the novelty of the interlocutor , but because his statements shine an uncomfortable truth: that the authorities still fail to take concrete agreements to reduce the increase in the temperature of the planet. What can you contribute Chile to this stage full of willful statements and little action now that we will be home to the next COP in December?
During the next COP 25 we will be the focus of world attention on climate change. Are you going to count Greta? It is postulated that a 2 ° C increase in the planet’s temperature could bring (irreversible?) grave consequences for humanity. Climate change is a scientifically proven reality, the Earth’s temperature has been increasing progressively, and a large part of the scientific community accepts that we have entered the Anthropocene, a new geological time where highlights the effect of man on the Earth’s climate. These are the times that grow Greta, who reminds us that “you say that they love their children, but they are robbing them of their future”.
This pessimistic scenario, Chile has good news to contribute. Our country has been internationally recognized as an example at the impulse and development of renewable energy sources, the development of solar power positioned it in the third source of national power. It should applaud that fact and continue on that path, more thorough, deep under the ground. In addition to the Sun, we have the fortune of having another inexhaustible renewable energy under our feet, geothermal energy, which would allow us to unleash our array of fossil fuels. We have already demonstrated as a country that can be generated with geothermal electricity.
We have the first geothermal plant in South America in Hill Hall with an installed capacity of 48 MWe (in process of expansion to 33 additional MWe) will help to stop issuing 160,000 tonnes of CO2. But as a country we must aspire to more. We must look to this inexhaustible resource also as a way of combating the pollution of our cities in the Centre and South. Winter is around the corner and we will see, as in the film “Groundhog Day”, those images of Temuco, Osorno, Coyhaique, Chillan, Santiago with a cover of smog that us suffocates and poisons. The district heating with geothermal energy is a solution to the wood-burning. It is a proven technology and we have the resource. Why don’t we look then these successful experiences and we decided, once and for all, to combat this contamination that kill us and, moreover, contributes to global warming?
Chile has this opportunity to be the next World Showcase of climate change. Let us use this instance in which we will be local to, as a society, demand a world more livable. And that our politicians take advantage of this instance of the COP25 to show that, from this small, remote country, David wants to show a way to beat the dreaded Goliath of global warming, because as Greta says “you’re never too little to mark the” difference”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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