translated from Spanish: Colchagua Valley opens up to family tourism in the region


Within the framework of the fourth version of the World Tourism Conference oenological 2019, this year a new destination joins the “tourism family programme”, initiative of Government that seeks to promote the access of Chilean families with fewer resources to the benefic IOS of tourism. Groups coming from San Fernando, Requínoa, Peralillo, Quinta de Tilcoco and Rancagua, will be the favored with a subsidy of up to 95% of the value of a tourist package with all services included.
The main objective “is to bring tourism to all people and that no one is left without enjoying a well deserved holiday due to lack of resources (…) It should be noted that the tourism family of Sernatur program, prioritizes particularly those families led by women who have brought their families along with much effort”, said the Secretary of the Ministry of economy, Ignacio Tello.
In addition, Jorge Espinoza Bustos, Sernatur O’Higgins regional director (s), added that “our beneficiaries will enjoy three days two nights, a travel package with everything included at very low cost, which includes accommodation, meals, care insurance in” travel, and all recreational activities.”
In this version according to the travel plan, families sleep in San Fernando and visit Chimbarongo, to learn more about the craft in Wicker, explore the historic centre of Santa Cruz, visit vineyards and entertaining recreational activities.
Yessenia Cabreras, a native of Peralillo, said that in his experience “everything has been very nice to us a dream vacation, because on our own ever we could have coasted a ride as well.” I’m with my son, the two were a little afraid, but when we arrived we were surprised by the beauty of the place, and not have to do anything, that we meet is spectacular, is what we liked most.
History of this benefit program subsidizes 95% of the value of a tourist package with all-inclusive prices for a five-day, four-night trip for $9.450 per person during high season or a trip of three days and two nights for about $ 6.450 per person during the low season months.
Benefit families whose members both Chileans and foreigners with permanent residence in Chile. They should be part of the Social register of households, whose classification of socio-economic vulnerability does not exceed 60% in the home cartola.
Also, families can participate the securities subsystem users and opportunities, law N ° 20.595.
The information to learn more about this program is available on the website

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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