translated from Spanish: Cuba condemns admission to the OAS of a guided representative

La Habana-Cuba condemned on Tuesday the decision of the OAS to accept in its bosom a representative appointed by the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim President by ma s from 50 countries, considering that it is a manoeuvre by the United States against the Government of Nicolás Maduro.” It is an unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of #Venezuela”, published, via Twitter, the Minister of foreign relations of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, after the OAS recognized the Venezuelan Gustavo Tarre as Permanent Representative designate by the Parliament, chaired by Guaido.el Executive of ripe, not recognized by the majority of members of the Organization of American States (OAS), condemned the resolution adopted by vote (18 countries in favour, 9 against and 6 abstentions) and called it as one” criminal and blatant violation of international law”.

John guided. Photo: Screenshot Cuba came out in defense of his partner and supporter in the region considered that the OAS has committed an “irrational violation of procedures” by accepting “decision imposed by #EEUU, a supposed representative of a Member State which did not ask for it and” who has requested his release from the Organization”, according to the tweet of the Chancellor. Of Venezuela’s OAS – requested by the Executive of mature two years ago – is scheduled for April 27, and until then they remain in the organization representatives nominated by the successor to Hugo Chávez.En any case, tomorrow at 9: 30 local time) 13.30 GMT), Tarre will present his credentials to the Secretary-General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, one of the voices most critical against Maduro.Por turn, the Cuban Vice Minister, Rogelio Sierra, issued an official statement on video that says that U.S. “goes desperately”to this type of resources”violation of international law”to the”evidence that its resources are exhausted to depose’ Nicolas Maduro.La OAS declared January 10 illegitimate takeover of ripe, but it has not approved any resolution that specifically considers President of Venezuela to bilaterally, most of the countries of the Organization have recognized as Acting President of Venezuela to guided, which has also received the backing of Almagro.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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