translated from Spanish: Jeremy Irons and the brexit: there is a second referendum, and if it comes out ‘yes’ I’m going to Ireland

“in the prim “er referendum gave bad information, its promoters not illustrated as appropriate on the consequences of an output of the European Union, and people who were dissatisfied with their lives voted with the guts”, said renowned actor Jeremy Irons.
“I am in favour of that again to ask, and if it comes out that Yes, I will accept it, but output would be terrible and I probably alter me to Ireland”, said in a meeting with a group of media.
“My country is still suffering the crisis” the Oscar-winning performer, who is in Rome to present the documentary on the Museum del Prado, where does Guide for the treasures and history of the Spanish art gallery, was very critical with the situation that exists in great Britain with the negotiation of the “brexit”.
“My country is still suffering from the crisis, there is less work, etc, and is the old mechanism of blaming foreign…” “And are the attitudes of ‘Italy for Italians’ or ‘Britain for Britons’ (…), harmful, dangerous and ridiculous”, said.
According to Irons, “it is deeply depressing… half of the people, who voted in favor of the ‘brexit’, want things to be like before, but what was it like before? ‘. ”
And paraphrased to Donald Trump: “‘Make America great again’…” But when did big America? “, he wondered.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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