translated from Spanish: PDI returned to the Museum of Colonial art pieces seized Raúl Schüler

La Brigade researcher against crimes environmental and Cultural Heritage (Bidema) Metropolitan of the PDI returned this Wednesday four recovered pieces of the estate of businessman Raúl Schüler, who was accused of possessing more than 200 objects of historical value of doubtful origin. In particular, were given two chandeliers and two chests, that were stolen from the Museum of Colonial art in San Francisco in the year 2014. “Without the Bidema today not we could be celebrating that parts and assets of the Museum have returned home. A stage ends, but also starts another which is essential and that has to do with prevention. And in that we know that the Ministry of culture has a very important role,”said Orieta Grendy, Director of the venue. Grendy, on behalf of the minor Franciscan order, said that “this is not only to get the works back, this requires a reflection on country level because it is not possible that there are people who continue to believe that the assets of Chile belong irregularly who they are against the law.” The Director said that they deliver part of its inventory to the police to facilitate investigations before a possible robbery. At the end of last year, Raúl Süler was formalized by receiving stolen goods and violation of the law of national monuments and arms control, to have more than 200 objects of historical value of dubious origin, the majority in their farm, Mostazal.

Original source in Spanish


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