translated from Spanish: Stornelli continues in absentia and his lawyer insisted that he will not go to Dolores

the lawyer Roberto Ribas confirmed this Thursday that the federal prosecutor Carlos Stornelli concur not to testify before Judge Dolores Ramos Alejo Padilla, since it is understood that the It causes by alleged extortion to an entrepreneur “should end in Capital Federal, because all the alleged acts happened there”. According to counsel, the position of the Prosecutor “is not rare, as there are many prosecutors who have been charged and continue his work” as a representative of the public prosecutor’s Office.
“Stornelli will not be present, we have also raised the suspension of the decision of the rebellion,” said Ribas.

The prosecutor investigating the cause of the notebooks of the bribes in the public works, did not go to declare judged Federal pains four times after being cited in the research by illegal espionage in which fake lawyer is detained Marcelo D’Alessio. Ribas admitted “the cause is in a sort of plateau by the appeals”, and hoped that record end in the courts of the Capital Federal.En dialogue with Futurock FM, consulted on the chats that would involve to the Prosecutor, Ribas said there is great “falsehood “on those issues, and about the fact that Stornelli has been uploaded to D’Alessio truck in one of the videos broadcast by the press, said:”it means nothing, and climbed because it believed that such was a lawyer, and it was presented by a journalist”.”
“I trust completely in the good performance of Stornelli”, concluded the defense lawyer.

The place of jurisdiction of the cause shall be heard by the House Federal of Mar del Plata, to analyze if the investigations into illegal espionage and alleged extortion will remain in charge of Ramos Padilla, or they must be forwarded to the Buenos Aires federal courts, before the appeal of the Prosecutor in the case, Juan Pablo Curi.Ramos Padilla already granted this appeal and others linked to its claim to unify in pain research followed in other jurisdictions, linked to the same accused and facts. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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