translated from Spanish: Fernando Toro on change in the results of voting of the National Institute: “There were errors, but not machinations”

this Friday, at conference press, the rector of the National Institute, Fernando Toro, confirmed that the historical caregiver “transitara´ to an educational model plurigene´rico”. The highest authority of the site released a document from the Tricel of the school in which it was reported that the vote on March 29 had errors, so it was reported the new results in the alternative to open enrollment to men and women was 57,18% of “the votes, versus 48,82% who had the option to keep it monogenerico.” These results were known by the School Board, all members are representatives of different sectors of the educational community attending such sesio´n, had the opportunity to discuss and comment widely with respect to the report, asi´ as of the moment HISTO´Rico attending the National Institute”, said the statement read by Toro.A who added that” exhausted the statements – which were reflected in the minutes reported that sesio´n officer – school aprobo´ the Council report that has as ” “due to the national transitara´ Institute to an educational model plurigene´rico”. Consulted on the timing of this change, the Chancellor said that not to be determined the date when registration will open for women, this since they still have a series of legal steps to perform before the Ministry of education, as well as a revision to the pla studies n and solve some issues of the campus infrastructure. On the errors in the vote, Soto emphasized that “there were errors, but not machinations”, so called institutana community “prudence, respect, tolerance with respect to the decision taken by the community”.

Original source in Spanish


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