translated from Spanish: President of the Chamber recognized “desprolijidad” per trip to the Vatican but clarifies that it will not give up

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Ivan Flores (DC), acknowledged Friday that existed “desprolijidad” on your part for the trip to the Vatican, where he made an unofficial stop to visit the Pope Fran Cisco.
However, in an interview with cooperative, said that he will not resign since you don’t see “motif, from the regulatory point of view, to make that justification”.
Flores left the country to attend the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and its related meetings in Doha, Qatar, event to be held from 4 to 13 April, but the 11 shared an image on your social networks where it appears next to Francisco.
Criticism, the President of the Chamber held that “a storm in a teacup has been done since, and I’m going to say very clearly, the impassecorresponde exclusively to a clerical error or, call it this way, to a desprolijidad administrative that anyone, including me, could have committed”.
“When one goes abroad, leaves always constitutional permission from 30 days, independent if one goes one or three day (…) I was in Qatar as was planned 5 (from April) in the parliamentary group of Latin America and the Caribbean (Grulac), 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 April. The mission ended 10. Therefore, it was all covered.”
“The only thing that changed is that day 6 or 7, because it was the weekend, let me know from international relations of the Chamber and is then confirmed on Monday from the Vatican Embassy and from the Embassy in Italy to the audiences that we had requested in advance before leaving for Qatar, had been confirmed”, added.
Flowers explained that “the desprolijidad occurs exclusively because instead of leaving at 16:00 Wednesday 10 April, I left early in the morning to reach Rome and what should have been done, and is not more than that because so dictates it the rules “, is that any parliamentary is with an official mission can modify your stay for reasons justified with an email or, even, was formalised the WhatsApp”.
“And in this case, then, I judged that all proceedings are had been doing through the Office of international relations, from there they could have notified the General Secretariat or from the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Chamber could also be advised also I could have done it. As I say, a desprolijidad, is not more than that, the drawback in Qatar was done”ended.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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