translated from Spanish: Out sparks in the children’s football

Guamúchil, Sinaloa-State in a round of surprises, goals and even protests, was played yesterday the second day of the State Championship Football child children Heroes-bears, and Ahome and Culiacán Municipal are the that practically anticipatingly the pass to semifinals, still have that left a date to the first stage.
In the stellar duel Salvador Alvarado out caste and dramatically wins 3-2 to Mazatlan IMDEM, which became as wide followers after big show which gave on the opening day, and that the guamuchilenses were very poorly in his debut. Gael Montoya was the figure of the premises to the par mark of goals, followed by Fernando López, who was present with one. By locals answered the two minute, Maximiliano Flores and Daniel Puga, who made one to 42, and with which drew two momentarily.   

Mazatlan IMDEM them was black to the hosts, but in the end presents an element of the coaching staff rival protest / photography: Matías Rodríguez EL DEBATE Mazatlan protest because supposedly the credential of Alejandro Camacho, the select auxiliary Ivo’s House, did not have a signature. In another result of yesterday, Ahome crushed 8-0 Culiacan Millan, to link its second victory. Albino Villegas and Andrés Escalante excelled with two goals each, and one Juan Bustimea, Enrique Gil and Diego de los Santos.El rest was own-goal from Fernando Quintero. Wall Mazatlan also gets the fight to thrashing 7-0 to Guasave, highlighting Jorge Lewis, getting six targets. A Santiago Arellano imitates it.

So leave the groups / photography: the DEBATE

Original source in Spanish


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