translated from Spanish: Ricardo Centurión, in the sight of another Argentine team

Racing in first instance confirmed that Ricardo Centurión is not assigned within the country, but the latest incidents appear to change the idea of the leadership that does not belong more to the institution and several clubs in the country were put on alert, including Lanus.con Lui s Zubeldia to head coach who made it debut in first to Centu, the club has not ruled out negotiating and apparently going to load. Regarding this, the DT spoke on the topic after the classification of “Garnet” the Elimination of final of the cup of the Super League. ” “Undoubtedly is more than clear that ask what is Nicolas (Russo) because I know him, because is that can you give imbalance and they are welcome”, pointed out after the triumph of Lanús to Belgrano 2-0. 

Zubeldia confirmed that he would count on Centurion in Lanús. Photo: Twitter @clublanus

However, it slipped a surprising phrase, although he clarified that I try for his experience in football in that country. “I hope their future may be in Mexican soccer because it is a soccer society are well professional clubs and doing some”macana”such dissemination, is not taken and he might be happier”. At beginning of year, Nicolás Russo, President of the club in the South of the suburbs also analyzed the possibility and said: “How can I not want to Centurion”, said the leader on the player of Racing that has the door open in Avellaneda.En this note:

Original source in Spanish


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