translated from Spanish: The first quarter of 2019 is the most violent

In January, February and March 2019 8,493 people in Mexico were killed, it’s the most violent Q1 for registration (9% up from 2018 boot which was a record at the time).
95 homicides per day: so begins the six-year period of AMLO
According to the figures from the Executive of the system National Secretariat of public security (SESNSP), only in March 2,836 victims of homicide, an average of 91,48 there were cases a day. Even this month surpassed slightly to those registered in March 2018 at a 2.4%.
In March were also recorded 95 cases of femicide, 22 more than in February as well as 133 cases of kidnapping in the country.
New record of violence in January: 2 thousand 928 killings and 164 victims of kidnapping
Locally, the city of Mexico experienced a 46% increase in the number of victims of killings by comparing the first quarter of 2018 with the 2019.
In the first months, Guanajuato registered 947 killings, an increase of 27% over the beginning of 2018.
Meanwhile, Veracruz had a decrease of 11.8% decrease, compared to the same period in 2018, with 420 homicides.
Baja California 1st tri 2018 vs 1st tri 2019: – 5.6% decrease (685 vs. 647)
More killings that says the President
So far of the presidential term of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, (from December 2018 to March 2019) add 11,372 victims of homicide.
This contrasts with the new statistics of the federal Government, with which it is presumed that violence has been handled and has a subrecord, as the Chairman’s report of Security reported in March 2,404 victims of homicide, with a daily average of 77.5 cases daily.
The Hound: AMLO presumed low in insecurity, but data deny this
This is an underregistration of 18% in March compared with the official figures of the SESNSP.
On 12 April, the President said that the victims of intentional killings in December 2018 averaged 79.9; in January of 75; February March 77.5-83.1. But data from the Executive Secretariat show that the daily victims of homicides averaged 92.7 in December; 99.89 in January; 92.03 in February, and 91,48 in March.
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Original source in Spanish


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