translated from Spanish: Alicia Keys and Pedro Capó released a remix of the calm theme

Alicia Keys joins the “calm” of Pedro Capó. Puerto Rican singer and the Grammy award-winning 15 times launched a remix in English and Spanish of the sticky song that has dominated the charts for the past year.
“Pedro Capó launched”Calm”in July 2018 and in October saw the light the successful remix with Farruko, now joins”Calm (Alicia Remix)”in which he also sings Farruko.” Calm”with rhythm of reggae and urban touches in the voice of Farruko, has conquered the public with their message of relaxation in the Caribbean Sea. In the version with Alicia Keys video, filmed in Puerto Rico and directed by Edgar Esteves, you can see the three artists danced and walking on the beach and San Juan.

“When we wrote the song wanted to capture and share what makes Puerto Rico so special for me,” said Pedro Capó in a statement. “Seeing success and global reach that has had and thinking in the greater public that our invitation can be reached with Alicia goes far beyond what you could have imagined.
She is one of the most talented artists in the world already someone who respected for a long time.

Pedro Capó, who recently appeared in the Lunario of the Auditorio Nacional of the city of Mexico, will continue toured Mexico with presentations in Puerto Vallarta, Veracruz and Tabasco, as well as upcoming dates in the United States in Orlando, Miami, Washington and New York. In June it will have presentations in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Santo Domingo.” Calm”has reached the first position in the lists of Latin music Billboard and Global YouTube, in addition to diamond in the United States, Mexico and Peru for its high sales with more than 1,400 million views to date.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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