translated from Spanish: The Spanish language day: do you use an inclusive language?

“Many of those who are against the use of language with gender perspective argue from the place of a s upuesta superiority, with understatement and a bit of arrogance. Almost like the Conqueror who is imposing its rules in another territory. “And in this case and in this century the territory is not geographic but human: women and non-binary gender”.
This was expressed by the Argentinean writer Claudia Piñeiro at the last Congress of the Spanish language that was held in March in Córdoba, Argentina.
The debate on gender inclusive language has been years though it was made stronger with the rise of the movement #MeToo and #niunamenos, in which they denounce abuses against women and claim for their rights.
This April 23 is celebrated the day of the Spanish language, decreed by the United Nations, and to bring awareness to its employees and the world in general, the Organization decided to speak this year without gender barriers.

“When we talk about gender inclusive language, what we are talking about is using the language, whether oral or written, in a manner that does not discriminate any sex, gender or gender identity”, says Ana García Álvarez, Coordinator of training outreach, and gender of the Department of management of conferences of the United Nations.
The UN issued a guide of resources and guidelines to use gender inclusive language in all types of communicative situation.
“We are not trying to impose a style of communication. Only we are saying that if we change the type of communication we can promote more gender equality”, adds Garcia Alvarez on the UN website.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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