translated from Spanish: Brexit: the first Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, wants to hold another referendum on independence if United Kingdom leaves the European Union

The first Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, said that qu erred to hold a second referendum on the Scottish independence in 2021 if United Kingdom out of the European Union.
“I can confirm that the Scottish Government will act to ensure progress in the option to give people an option of independence in this periodoparlamentario,” said the Prime Minister.
The next election to the Scottish Parliament will be held in 2021.
Sturgeon hopes that legislation to establish the rules of a second referendum is in effect by the end of this year, which would allow that a vote once the Government of United Kingdom grant an order for section 30, the procedure that would allow the Scottish Parliament to legislate for a referendum on independence and under which protected is the vote on independence in 2014.
In August of that year was held in Scotland a similar referendum that won the ‘No’ option, so the territory remained part of the United Kingdom.
However, the Government of the United Kingdom said earlier that he did not agree with no request for a section 30, and Downing Street insisted on Tuesday that this position had not changed.
Sturgeon talks about the possibility of a second referendum of independence since the triumph of the Brexit in June 2016, since the Scots voted overwhelmingly in favor of staying in the EU.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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