translated from Spanish: First as tragedy, then as a comedy – the Opinion of Benjamin Mendoza

At the beginning of the eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Carlos Marx us sheds is premise, history tends to repeat itself, the conception of things comes another sense, in the collective imagination it used to be common suddenly already it is not, where there was solemnity we find laughter, rooting transmutes tradition left to become an anecdote, however, takes us beyond the essence of this figure of speech, the stupidity of the human never disappears, only your perception of it. The key to great transformations and social processes is that these and they do not stop, as stated by Salvador Allende in his last speech, nor with the force. Without obviating the intrinsic relationship with dialectic nature, also we can use another Marxist metaphor to understand to Mexico at the time of the 4-stroke, “the solid melts into air”.
The tragedy.
During the Governments of Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto, the current opposition was not so sensitive, we still remember as they despised that plane flying over Stanford with the legend “40 000 dead! “” How many more? “or as vulgarizaban the feelings of the parents of the 43 missing fearfully to denostar the mass protests at the international level by the Ayotzinapa case” would perhaps not those deaths weighed them? Why not were they pronounced on the matter? Someone explain. His indolence goes even further, cases such as the ABC and Tlatlaya nursery were minimized, and to those who spoke out against such acts, attacking them the cry of “idiots”, “mugrosos”, “troublemakers”, “handled”, among other adjectives sometimes more humiliating, or you were in favour or were part of the problem, “that Mexico does not advance” said, “they want everything regalado”, “they are poor because they want to”, “insurance in something bad they went”, asked steady hand, they demanded punishment for offenders that altering public order.
The comedy.
Those who now attack Obrador over what happened in Minatitlan, are the same. The hypocrisy and falsehood are its distinctive, selfishness and evil its flag. Today they are looking for the lynching of the President, a few years ago they were looking for the lynching of those who like them today, they disagreed. They are sinister, applaud the tragedy, they seek it, smell it, sipping it, to discredit a Government that no longer belongs to. As angry beasts, wallow in the blood of victims, of which do not know their names, victims who nor import them, but which serve to RAM the only Government in recent history posed serve the people. Maximize the violence when they ignored it before, today feel the injustices, the pain of others, before or even they saw it, they called it “collateral damage”. His pain is not legitimate, their understanding of it is not objective, they leave the dirty House and blamed dirt who has newly come to inhabit it. Claims.
Who today attacked the President for raising the debate on the morality of laws that should ensure the enforcement simplifying the fact to the issuance of the Memorandum against the neo-liberal education reform, are the same. Greed and corruption are their distinctive, impunity and peddling his label. Today defend the law and its application, some years ago they quebrantaban it and they used the Constitution as piza papers, 3, 27, 39, 42 and the constitutional 123 are lustraban shoes. They are petty, interpreted the law to convenience, now seem them should be respected by all, less for them. Crucified owls, they prefer to sell to the highest bidder and run away from the debate, don’t care about justice, heedless of his righteousness, regardless them of law, heedless of his law. They haranguent to the champions of the scale, prostitutes and dubbed of occasion, exalting them, promote them, praise them, they placean them, write protections to the wholesale, which denounce the unconstitutionality which has fallen President, sold, they have silver enough to buy them. They cry on behalf of Carranza and modified to interest the legacy of the revolution, they weeping for what they called “end of democracy” but not know which takes place on February 5, sinicos.
The incongruity of the iracundos is faithfully verifiable, her tears are crocodile. They are not introspective and will now move before asked suit for those who were protesting against the regime, today are those who try, because they fail it, protest en masse and demand respect for freedom of expression, no deaths and the thousands of graves worried Today they admire is hit the chest, they dfalsely and they ridiculed the opponents, today complain of receiving such treatment, accused of polarization to the President, when they called him crazy, and they call the people aggressive, when the only thing it does is to respond to the grievances suffered, if someone divided the Mexican society, were they not Obrador.
The solid will vanish.
It is hard to fight history, but not impossible. The 4T begins to take shape, the security strategy and constitutional reforms are walking, gradually must be covering the long and extensive territory that holds the Federation, because if it is true that the entities they enjoy sovereignty and its own division powers, it cannot be ignored that there are still areas of the country outside the capital where the law remains a dead letter, where human rights are a myth, where the corruption of the local chieftains still unpunished, where it still reigns at five months of Government, the force of arms on the reason, where the fear is still part of everyday life, where the terror is breakfast, where misery and exploitation are normal, where it is more dangerous to be student or woman drug trafficker, where the 4T, haven’t arrived yet.
The ruling classes, historically, cling to their present, keep things as they are and propagate the idea that these cannot be changed is one of its main tasks, hegemonize that thought in the collective, the main, fight against this and show changes are possible is the work of the oppressed class, what role then, based on this premise, the opposition? Their changing consciousness betrays them, they prefer to be inconsistent to lose their privileges.
History tends to repeat itself, the first time the case as a tragedy, the second time as a comedy. The oligarchy and their allies, the political parties of the establishment, they subdued the people for decades, oppose the regime and protest against her was tragic, the blood of peasants, workers, teachers and students realize, today, that the village is in way of taking power, oppose the regime and protest against is comic, the actions of “legalistic” and “sensitive” opponents who put their interest
political pain and justice they realize this; the stupidity of the human sunset relief, only with a different perception of it. Social processes are not stopped, why the 4T steps, cleaning the mess will take, but they will, it has to be done, little by little everything seemed solid began to fade in the air, and the history, dialectically, we will return to place between the tragedy and the Comedy, always taking into account, that after so much blood, Mexico is now the second time. Laughing has been said!
The opinions expressed in the columns are the sole responsibility of those who subscribe to them and do not necessarily represent thinking or the editorial line of Monitor Expresso

Original source in Spanish


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