translated from Spanish: Penalty: “talk about descontrol for the price of the dollar is a mistake”

Penalty ruled out changes in the Cabinet and confirmed that Macri will go for re-election

“If one looks from the situation will find elements to clearly say ‘we are not in the results that we wanted'”, recognized the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, Marcos Peña, after two days in which the devaluation and the rise in country risk hit Fuerte in CE economy and local politics.
“If you look what has happened with the movement of the exchange rate in the past seven months, is below inflation; These days is the first time that it is over,”argued the leader of change and acknowledged that”we were not accustomed to the floating exchange rate”.

“Argentina has a vulnerable economy. And the context in an election year generates greater uncertainty in the markets before the desire to return to populist policies as expresses it a political sector.”

“In our opinion there are no magical solutions. “You must help people who need it most, working on all the things that you can do better and understand if this difficulty arising in the short term, is justified in that are solving structural problems, this has a meaning” He added.
There will be no changes in the Cabinet 
In statements made to Todo Noticias, Peña confirmed that Mauricio Macri will be the candidate of change to the Presidency “because it is the natural leader in this space, but also because it is the way in which we are going to win this election”.
He denied changes in the Government, his departure from the Cabinet team and dismissed the possibility of early presidential elections.

“I never thought of giving, that is a decision of the President. I work with Mauritius to 17 years and will be where it ask me be”.

Polls and elections
The Chief of staff also referred to surveys reported in recent days, some of which show Mauricio Macri below former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and even losing in a runoff. “Today speak of balotage in terms of survey is little serious. And much worse is to make decisions based on that,”said the Chief of staff.

“Obviously there is a relevant sector of the population that has a preference for Cristina Kirchner.”

“We believe absolutely that the majority still wants to look forward,” Peña said and added that they are “convinced that we are going to win the election in October or November, that will depend on voters”. 
Confident, he insisted that “last uncertainty this year, ratified the path of change, the challenge will be easier”.

Original source in Spanish


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