translated from Spanish: Tourists risk and take a selfi in the crater of a volcano little until you make rash

Home Flows in networks Tourists risk and take a selfi in the crater of a volcano little until you make rash

Photography / Twitter
Indonesia-a group of adventurous tourists, decided to take is a selfi atop a volcano in Indonesia shortly before it entered into eruption.
The images were captured on April 18 at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, located on the island of Bali. Local authorities had established a zone of 4 km around the volcano.

Meski sudah dilarang beraktivitas di dalam radius 4 km dari puncak, tapi masih ada saja dan wisman guide turis yang nekat that kawah. Sangat berbahaya karena Gunung Agung dapat erupsi kapan saja.
Video 18/4/2019 ini yang tersebar di medsos. Jangan ditiru. Berbahaya!
-Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) April 22, 2019

The Agency for the Indonesia disaster mitigation (BNPB) has reproached acting tourists to ignore warnings. “While has been prohibited activities within a radius of 4 kilometres, there are still tourists and tourist guides who are desperate to go to the crater. This is very dangerous because the Mount Agung can erupting at any time”, had written the BNPB, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman on his Twitter account.

Mount Agung entered eruption the morning of April 21, throwing ash 2 km of height, so the local authorities established the level 3 of the 4-level warning system.
Source: RT

Original source in Spanish


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