translated from Spanish: Maximum Kirchner about the Government: “Want to frighten the Argentines”

The benchmark La campora, maximum Kirchner led a ceremony held in José C. Paz Buenos Aires party, in tribute to his father, the former President Néstor Kirchner, after 16 years of the elections of 2003 in which obtained the post of head of State of the Nacion.en ma the Conference – organised by the Mayor Mario Ishii – RCO the national Deputy also criticised the management of the Government, the presidential elections. “They want to scare the Argentines,” said.” They want to scare the Argentine saying that you have a Government with authority the things will go worse. It is lie!. The Argentines know that it cannot rule otherwise. Live it between 2003 and 2015 “, said.
Months that citizens vote for the presidential candidates, Max asked Macri “having dignity, at least in the last months of his term, stop doing damage and protect even for six months to his people”. With regard to the criticisms that receives, the referent of the Campora acknowledged: “it may be that these hands have had a PlayStation joystick but never rose in the Congress of the nation to vote for funds Vulture, adjustments to the people and the setting” “s retirees”.

Maximum Kirchner

“I ask that no breakage and have high self-esteem. Six months and on 27 October the polls going to overflow of votes to put the Argentina in the place that never should have come out that it is the way of the growth”, closed the national Deputy of the front for victory.

Original source in Spanish


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