translated from Spanish: New educational reform is approved by Sepyc and SNTE 53

Culiacan, Sinaloa-section 53 of the National Union of education workers and the Ministry of education and culture of Sinaloa are in favor of the new educational reform, which passed the House of Diputados.El holder of the Sepyc, Juan Alfonso Mejía López, He said that it is positive, because there are songs that had not been mentioned in the last reform; He stressed the obligation of initial education. “Obviously I can tell that it is positive, there are issues that had not been mentioned in the last reform, he noted, the new reform is saying that from age 0 to 6″. Reproach
With regard to the issue of the reproach in first and second grade of primary, the holder of the Sepyc said that to make an educational system inclusive is to leave aside the reproach.” On the contrary, hopefully out in all of the primary, but have to see when you accept difficulties in an infant or a child; When they have learning difficulties you have to meet them, it is not only a system of assistance”.

Mejía López said that it is scientifically proven that children who remain behind, the next time they repeat cycle are even more late than children who go well in the course, he recognized that it must work in coordination, in addition to this type of implementation must be accompanied by another type of measures and support from the Secretariat for teachers. 53 SNTE
For his part, the Secretary general of SNTE 53, José Fernando Sandoval Angulo, attended the fourth extraordinary session of the National College of the SNTE, where was analyzed and discussed mainly what happened in the Chamber of Deputies, approved the opinion of reform constitutional articles in education: 3, 31 and 73. This opinion is the product of the different actions carried out by the SNTE since the beginning of this Government, many of these proposals in the section are in the opinion, so the section held the approval.

Approved educational reform of López Obrador 
With 381 votes in favour, 79 against and two abstentions, the initiative promoted by the Mexican Executive replaces Uribe Enrique Peña Nieto reform in 2013, which has generated rejection in the Guild. This is supports the opinion that reform, added and repeals various provisions of articles 3, 31 and 73 of the Constitution, in educational matters. The draft was sent to the Senate for further analysis and discussion. Be endorsed, it must have the approval of half of the 32 local congresses of the country.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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