translated from Spanish: Startupismo and the art of being freelance (chapter of gift)

In Mexico there are 6.1 million young people between 18 and 29 years that neither study nor work, and of them, 1.68 million are seeking employment or they are available for work, according to the data of the third quarter of 2018 of the national survey of occupation and employment.
Young Mexicans also face that labor market puts them obstacles to find a well-paid job, detailed report of the Observatory of wages 2018, explaining that only the 31.9 per cent of young people aged between 15 and 29 employees have with the minimum benefits of law, while the 50.6% do not have any provision.
They are the most vulnerable group of workers in Mexico, both 52% survives with a salary below the welfare (basket of food, basic goods and services), explains Miguel Santiago Reyes Hernández, institutional Coordinator of the Observatory.
And although “Young people building the future” of the new Federal Government program has the goal of that 2.6 million aged between 18 and 29 years old resume their studies or be trained for early engagement in any enterprise, there is an option that has gradually been positioning and etween the Mexicans: the freelanceo.
The art of the freelance

Lecturer and author of “Startupismo”, Fric Martínez, defines freelanceo as “generate your own work” and work for project rather than at a fixed place.
It is a term in trend. According to a survey of job online OCC “85% of respondents know the term freelance, while 65% would like or would be so”.
Even companies are accepting more people to work by project. According to OCC, the areas that are most required work of freelancers are marketing, design, technology, programming, and finance, although for Fric all depends on the involvement you have with who you hired. “Sometimes we hire lawyers to see the legal part of some permissions of awards, certifications, and procedures,” says Mauro Torres, Director of strategic development and human of the advertising agency Catorcedias. Any profession can offer freelance services, “the thing is to find him”.
According to the respondents by OCC, a person becomes freelance need not find a formal work and the desire for independence.
Being freelance opens the door to advantages such as:
Flexible hours.
Work by specific objectives.
More time with the family.
But it also has disadvantages:
Variable income.
Long waiting times to receive a payment.
Availability 24 hours.
Additional expenses.
“Among the disadvantages is the economic uncertainty of not having varo”. “Always have time for you” is not true, you must always be having because if you relax “and you start to see Netflix” you’re going to suffer in the long run by not be looking for more work, because revenues are not fixed.
From freelancer to “Entrepreneur”
Who is dedicated to working on their own also should be accountable before the SAT. Fric recommends you register as an individual with business activity to be able to deduce the tools you use and to issue invoices to businesses that you hire.  
When the project for which you are participating requires activities that do not dominate, you are looking for partners who can support you. “There is a point in the Wikipedia for a team that you trust and whenever they ask you a chamba which need several products start to call them, forming an Alliance”, mentions Fric. Then who you hire
trust in you in general for an entire project and not in the specific.
Guide to undertake, according to Fric
61% of those interviewed by OCC is displayed by developing their own business. “Startupismo” is a 20-step guide that will be used to start or improve a business, spending less money as possible. It is an illustrated “is helping a lot of people to enter the world of the modern enterprise”.
“We are experiencing an entrepreneurial revolution that is transforming our reality. More and more young people develop innovative proposals to grow professionally and personally. For all of them, ‘Startupismo’ will serve as head Guide”: Enrique Jacob, former President of the National Institute of the entrepreneur.
Political animalwith the permission of Fric Martínez, it gives you a snippet of “Startupismo”, is “a taste” of the book you can get here in digital, or physical way in major bookstores in Mexico:

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Original source in Spanish


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