translated from Spanish: “He painted the yuta”, the cry of “cowboys” before a bloody shootout

An employee of jewelry assaulted by a so-called “cowboy band” that on 6 February last year starred in three shootouts with the police in the area of the Buenos Aires courts, said Monday in the trial that the criminals started shooting from the loc to the cry of “yuta painted!”. The testimony was heard during the first hearing of the trial before the Court in Criminal (TOC) 26, consisting of the judges Marta Yungano, Carlos Rengel Mirat and Javier de la Fuente.Los defendants are Carlos Alberto Antequera (33), who was injured from bullet and He was detained in the place the day of the fact, and René Waldemar González Chávez (41), who was captured days more late to be recognized in some videos. The main witnesses of the day were the owner, the brother and an employee of the jewelry “Yoni”, located in the liberty Street 395, where last year began the assault that resulted in three shootings, in which 60 shots were fired and there were three injured.

Alejandra D’Agnillo judge, wounded during the shootings in the area of courts.

Marcos Peralta, the local employee, gave the Court details of the sequence the theft since the two thieves entered armed and disguised with Cowboys hats until the arrival of the first police and the beginning of the shooting. The man recalled that apart from taking over some jewels, thieves removed to 13,000 pesos of their property that had over. He said that as soon as they saw the police approached, one of the thieves shouted “she painted yuta!” and they began to shoot from within the jewelry then leave local and hop on the truck that awaited them at the door with an accomplice. Lilit Guioulnazarián, the owner of the jewelry of Armenian origin, said that criminals took possession of gold jewelry that had “valuable”, although he could not specify the amount of the loot. His brother, Savac, who also was in the jewelry, told judges that criminals had acted with him violently, since they hurt it by reducing it to with rifle butts on the head. Antequera and Gonzalez Chavez arrived on trial accused of “theft, aggravated by the use of firearms, homicide attempt degree aggravated by the use of a firearm – two facts-, cover-up and illegal carrying of weapons of war”. How were the facts
According to reconstructed during the investigation by the Prosecutor Cinthia Oberlander and judge Fernando Caunedo, February 6, 2018, at 14, the two accused, along with a third man who could not be identified, arrived in a Ford EcoSport stolen pickup at jo it yeria “Yoni” and began the assault. A former Commissioner 3rd cash. (current 1A) City police he went to the place alerted by a merchant of the area and the robbers opened fire on agent to get on the truck and take flight. Offenders were blocked traffic at the corner of Lavalle and Talcahuano and then fired on two wheelers. Product of those shots were injured in his legs the judge María Alejandra D’Agnillo (61), owner of the Court’s work 63, and Ezequiel Eduardo Allende employee (28), 9 Civil Court, who still not declared in the judgment. In Corrientes and Paraná, Antequera – identified as who acted as chauffeur and the assault on the jewelry-campaign, again against the agents shot and robbed at gunpoint a van Peugeot Partner with the intention of continuing the flight, but was shot it collided with a few dumpsters and ended up arrested. In their possession were seized two pistols 9 mm, a Glock and a Bersa Thunder.Uno men who entered the jewelry – next to which still remains at large – took advantage of the chaos and entered the building of the power of Attorney General of the city of Buenos Aires located in the calle Uruguay to the 400, where in the fourth floor it changed clothes and left abandoned bloodied trousers, a knife and two gun boots. After the analysis of images from security cameras in the area and its comparison with photos uploaded to Facebook’s already detainee profile Antequera, could identify Gonzalez Chavez as one of the fugitives, who two days after the fact was arrested for an assault to a paint shop of the Buenos Aires party of Hurlingham.En this note:

Original source in Spanish


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