translated from Spanish: Five months of their adoption, Michoacán Congress repeals eco-taxes

Morelia, Michoacan.-after the approval in December for the creation of seven new taxes for Michoacan, the State Congress agreed repeal taxes known as ecological, that add to the notary and you cedulares they were also the Finance Act suppressed.
Five months have been voted, members approved unanimously the repeal of ecological taxes, to vote in favour of the opinion with a draft decree for the financial year of 2019, presented in weeks past by commissions of Finance and debt issues, and programming, budget and public accounts.
The justification for the opinion means that far from guarantee repair of environmental damage in Michoacan, the proceeds are only economic purposes.
Prior to the vote, the Coordinator of the parliamentary fraction of Morena, Fermín Bernabé Bahena congratulated the Government reconsider the collection of these taxes which described how inequitable, poorly planned and poorly defined.
Moreover the legislator of the same political party, Antonio Madriz Estrada said before the full ecological taxes generated a kickback for the Michoacan, and concerned that there are major issues in the State such as the Local roads Board, the Security and immoderate tree felling.
The debate was conducted when the PRD Antonio Soto Sanchez deviated from the central theme to accuse the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s failure to comply with its promises and does not retract its decisions as if it made the State Executive in the repeal of The ecotaxes, cedulares and nominal.
In the end the vote on the opinion was 35 votes in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Original source in Spanish


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