translated from Spanish: Young man declares himself gay front of hundreds in graduation speech

Utah, United States.-Matt Easton had the audacity to come out of the closet a little more than expected, in a speech that would become viral value. Declared himself gay in front of a crowd full of graduates, in a Mormon University of Utah.El young chose to talk about his sexuality during his speech of call at Brigham Young University and said it was “important to share it so much for me as for the” “LGBTQ community + at BYU”.
Today I stand before my family, my friends and my graduation, to say that I am proud to be a son of God gay, Easton said in his speech.

Brigham Young University was founded by the Church of Jesus Christ of the saints of the last day. The code of honour of the University says that if well “the attraction to people of the same sex is not a problem in the code of Honor”, the school has a “strict commitment to the law of chastity”.

2019 BYU Valedictorian Matt Easton came out as a gay Mormon in his graduation speech. Not only did that take immense courage given recent LGBT ‘revelations,’ but the positive reaction is really encouraging. (that moment is around 3:25 minute mark) – LDS Discussions (@LDSdiscussions)
April 27, 2019

“Homosexual behaviour is inappropriate and violates the Honor code,” says the University’s policies. “Homosexual behaviour includes not only sexual relations between members of the same sex, but all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings.”

Easton told KUTV, CNN affiliate, that he felt more support than ever before. And although not everyone applauded his announcement, Easton supports its decision.” I feel that it just had to do what seemed to me to be correct.” Graduate completed his Bachelor’s degree in political science with a 4.0 GPA, and thousands of sympathizers joined behind him. Earlier this month, the Church of Jesus Christ of the saints of the latter day reversed its policies with respect to the blessings and baptisms for children whose parents are part of the LGBT community +, KUTV reported. Now they can be baptized at age 8, instead of waiting until they are 18 years old.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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