translated from Spanish: Two young men lose their lives in the accident in El Carrizo

Los Mochis-two people died this Tuesday night on the road 15 Mexico, at the height of the 5 village, in the vicinity of El Carrizo, after a car accident. The victims were identified as José D, 17 years of age, and Joel Eduardo N, 20 years; both had its domicile in the Chihuahuita.De settlement agreement the data gathered so far, the incident took place around 21:30 hours, when young people were allegedly struck by a vehicle which the characteristics are unknown. Cruz Roja de Chavez Talamantes paramedics moved to the place once motorists reported them what had happened; However, they only confirmed that they had already died, so requested the presence of the Vicefiscalia of Justice staff to give you faith facts.
A version of the facts indicates that now victims were travelling aboard a motorcycle on the south rail to North when they were struck; Although the motorcycle so far has not been located by authorities who came to the place. After the fact, bodies were pulled to the side of the road with hits different parts. The site was attended by elements of the Federal Police to guard the scene.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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