translated from Spanish: Gerardo Romano and a strong cross live with a Venezuelan citizen

The crisis in Venezuela is a matter that requires finesse when it comes to allude to it. For this reason, actor Gerardo Romano had expressed his desire to Dodge you to the subject when he was invited to a television show. “However, if referred to incidents against the Venezuelan Embassy in Buenos Aires where” moved part of the Argentine left and Venezuelan guys who support the ‘ operation freedom ‘ “.” The city police shot in the head at Martín Dagnese, a boy from the Communist Party which was to serve as an Argentine citizen the right to support the non-interference of the United States and is interned in the Hospital Bazterrica by application of the doctrine Chocobar”, noted in dialogue with journalists Marcelo Bonelli and Edgardo Alfano.

And continued: “is the guy with the CAP into the eardrum. We saw him all because he went on television. Moreover, pulled him, turned it from a shotgun in the ear, bloodied it and advanced; people were trying to take it”. “After these last sentences, in the study began to hear cries that outlined the sentence:”Is false”.” Well, I wasn’t but I saw him on television and television does not lie. Was the blood that had in the face false? Was the police officer who shot him false? What what was false? “, defended Romano.Fue in that Exchange with one of the Venezuelan citizens present in the gallery that the lawyer also lost his patience:”I’m not talking about Venezuela, I’m talking about the Argentina. ” The only thing missing is that you think of the Argentina being immigrants. “Vos speaks of Venezuela, I speak of the Argentina”, released. Another young rebuked him: “Let’s go to Caracas, to walk any street in Caracas, without people, without escorts, without cars, to see if you want to continue supporting to Maduro. Indifference is also killer”. Given this, Roman responded: “I don’t support Maduro, nor know him”.

Original source in Spanish


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