translated from Spanish: The problem of odor as contaminants and environmental stressor

Since the landmark case occurred in the town of Freiri NA, where a plant breeding and slaughtering of pigs of Agrosuper producing odors was closed in 2013, the competent authorities have set a course course: environmental institutions in odor management should be strengthened.
In the year 2018, were changed some articles of the law on foundations General of the environment, declaring the odor as a contaminant and environmental stressor that affects the quality of life of people who are exposed to this problem. Along with this, the Ministry of the environment (MMA) issued a strategy for the management of odors, supported on 5 pillars: strengthening of the regulatory framework of information, increase knowledge, intersectoral coordination and institutional strengthening.
In the pursuit of improving access to information, recently MMA relaunched website, devoted exclusively to smells, with a fresh image and a modern configuration management. Within this area you can access the detail of the strategy of the Ministry, information for the identification of potential generators and its location, channel management for reports, progress on the regulatory framework, news of interest, between others.
The sectors identified as priorities for the management of odors, according to the web site, are the swine facility, processing of sea products, wastewater treatment plants, plants of cellulose and waste disposal sites, industries that are little implementing tools to combat this environmental stressor.
Technology for the environment
New demands in matters of odor control have motivated industry has considered this dimension in their projects, making them more accountable to the environment and the quality of life of people living in the areas of influence of its activities. In this context, new technologies have taken an important role in the mitigation of annoying smells.
Within the Chilean market, a solution of high technology that is gaining ground is the use of filters, catalysts. “Used for the control of odors and gases based on catalytic activated carbon, the development of this technology allows almost 100% of removal of odorant gas efficiency”, explains Gerardo Daza, account manager key Imaspa, company that offers filters catalysts in our country.
Daza said that the effectiveness of this product lies in the manufacturing process with an environmentalist approach. “Our technology is oriented to improve the quality of people’s lives, helping to eliminate pollutants and stressors as odor with clean, efficient, compact technology developed in Chile,” he adds.
“Such as vibrations, light and noise, the smell is a stressor environmental, having negative consequences on the health of the people. And like the others, it is important for companies to implement solutions for the control of this factor,”concludes.
Effects on health
According to the World Health Organization (who), “health is a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. So the hassle by odor affects the quality of people’s lives.
Some studies point out that odors can affect the psychological state of the people, negatively impacting your mood and can cause stress.
Some negative symptoms caused by the smell nuisance are:
Concentration problems

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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